while true do wait(0.06) local Hits = {} local Ch = owner.Character if Ch then local H = Ch:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") if H and H.Parent then if H.RootPart then if H.RootPart.Position.Y < -200 then local D = H.Parent:GetDescendants() for a = 1,#D do if D[a]:IsA("BasePart") then local J = D[a]:GetJoints() for e = 1,#J do if J[e]:IsA("JointInstance") then if J[e].Part0 and not table.find(Hits,J[e].Part0) then table.insert(Hits,J[e].Part0) J[e].Part0.Parent = nil J[e].Part0.CFrame = J[e].Part0.CFrame+Vector3.new(0,workspace.FallenPartsDestroyHeight,0) end if J[e].Part1 and not table.find(Hits,J[e].Part1) then table.insert(Hits,J[e].Part1) J[e].Part1.Parent = nil J[e].Part1.CFrame = J[e].Part1.CFrame+Vector3.new(0,workspace.FallenPartsDestroyHeight,0) end end end if not table.find(Hits,D[a]) then table.insert(Hits,D[a]) D[a].Parent = nil D[a].CFrame = D[a].CFrame+Vector3.new(0,workspace.FallenPartsDestroyHeight,0) end end end end end end end end